Advise on public company floats and other types of capital raising, underwriting, takeovers, securities offerings under employee stock option plans (foreign and domestic) and advice on the SEC’s and SET’s requirements.
Establish and maintain business entities, branches and subsidiaries of foreign companies, and advise on compliancy with corporate and commercial law, joint ventures, reorganizations and commercial contracts.
Mitigate disputes relating to commercial transactions, corporate affairs, banking, building and construction, contracts, employment, fraud, intellectual property, insurance, revenue, shareholders, trade and all other aspects.
Advise on legal frameworks of debt restructuring schemes and prepare the relevant legal documents, and advise on strategic plans and processes for rehabilitations, including court proceedings under bankruptcy law.
Advise on marriage, divorce, pre-nuptial agreements, adoption, wills and inheritances.
Mitigate disputes relating to commercial transactions, real estate, corporate affairs, banking, building and construction, contracts, revenue, employment, trade and all other aspects.